Q&A about Depixus
Depixus was founded in 2012.
The average age of Depixus employees is 37.
The gender split at Depixus is 55% men and 45% women.
The Depixus team currently numbers 60 employees.
Depixus was founded in 2012.
The average age of Depixus employees is 37.
The gender split at Depixus is 55% men and 45% women.
The Depixus team currently numbers 60 employees.
Depixus launches MAGNA™ - a unique technology for directly measuring the dynamic interactions of thousands of individual molecules in real time. Understanding these interactions is key to understanding health and disease, and finding more effective treatments. Obtaining more precise information about these interactions is essential for advancing our knowledge of biology and accelerating drug development.
Based on magnetic force spectroscopy, MAGNA™ is a revolutionary technology that will transform our understanding of life, health and disease. By revealing biomolecular interactions, it will decode disease mechanisms and unlock more effective therapies.